Webinar: How to avoid the most common IoT challenges

Date: September 7, 2021
Time: 11:00 – 11:30 CEST

Have you ever wondered why some companies manage to succeed in reaching their IoT goals while others don’t?

For over two decades Telenor has successfully helped leading global enterprises with their connected products. During this time, we’ve witnessed IoT enable organizations, generate immense value, capture extraordinary opportunities, and realize significant efficiencies.

And yet, for every success story there are many more enterprises that struggle with their connected products. Many struggle to scale, some never reach the target volumes they set out to achieve, while others fail to unlock the business upside of IoT. Even today, we continue to see substantial differences in how well companies launch IoT in their businesses, despite their best efforts.

Join this webinar, based on the white paper ‘How to succeed with connected products and avoid the most common IoT challenges‘, to learn how to avoid the biggest and most common IoT challenges.

Topics covered in the webinar:

  • Key factors in succeeding with connected products
  • IoT challenges – succeeding where others fail
  • Four iterative stages of all IoT investment journeys

Martin Whitlock, CTO at Telenor Connexion will host the webinar. 

Watch the recorded webinar

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