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Anticimex: Pest Control Using IoT with Connected Traps

Find out how an intelligent system using connected traps monitors and instantly reacts to infestations in an environmentally friendly way.

Customer Case: IoT Revolutionising Pest Control

Learn how Telenor Connexion worked with Anticimex to instantly react to infestations in an environmentally-friendly way.


  • IoT is driving a digital revolution in the pest control industry and has enabled global leader Anticimex to connect their Anticimex Smart traps.
  • Continuous monitoring of its traps 24/7 is now possible, no matter where they are located.
  • With global connectivity by Telenor Connexion Anticimex has been able to move into new markets quicker and more easily than having to deal with local operators.
  • By providing results rather than only traps Anticimex has achieved higher efficiency in pest protection, increased customer experience, and a substantial decrease of the toxins used in traditional traps.
  • Pest control using IoT and smart traps have enabled data gathering that is used to generate valuable business insights and a possibility to act instantly on alarms.


Pest control has traditionally relied on traps filled with toxins to exterminate pests. Anticimex set out to work with Telenor Connexion to change the approach of relying on the placement of multiple traps that require continuous manual checking. With an intelligent system of connected traps Anticimex have changed the way they work, resulting in both greater business value created and end user benefits.


Anticimex set out to revolutionise their pest control business by connecting their traps and thereby enabling continuous 24/7 monitoring, no matter where they were located. There were several challenges and issues that had to be addresses in creating this digital revolution.

One issue was that customers don’t like the hassle of monitoring, maintaining or disposing of traps. By connecting the traps it was instead possible to digitally monitor its traps.

With IoT a higher efficiency in pest protection and an increased customer experience could be achieved. Importantly, a substantial decrease of toxins used in traditional traps could ultimately also add to environmental benefits.

In the past pest control around the clock meant that resources were required to be on site to service the traps. Insights gathered from data could now give an accurate picture of the scale of an infestation and enable appropriate controls to be put in place. Costly infestations could be also prevented by catching pests early. Data generated from traps could be applied to generate more valuable insights, leading to greater business value.


Together with Telenor Connexion Anticimex created innovation by connecting the parts of Anticimex Smart. With an intelligent pest control solution it is possible to redefine what clients can expect from their pest control service provider. With managed connectivity Anticimex could address challenges and issues to revolutionise a solution in pest control.

The connectivity backbone of our Anticimex Smart solution is robust, secure, reliable and global as provided by Telenor Connexion. As industry leader, partnering has enabled us to move into new markets with comparative ease. Their support and troubleshooting tech team is world-class and when we need them, they are always available for questions and support.”
Ulf Eripe, CTO Anticimex Group

The IoT-enabled capabilities of the Anticimex Smart solution gives customers the best of both worlds – automation and expertise. Anticimex Smart efficiently combats rodent problems and is a digital, environment friendly preventive and intelligent solution for pest control. The managed connectivity system and its devices such as in unit traps and sensors, keeps an eye on that which customers do not wish to see – pests.

It detects and reacts to pests, while dedicated Anticimex experts continuously service and improve the positioning of traps. The Anticimex Smart system has been developed by the company’s R&D team at the Anticimex Innovation Center. The system and its products include the latest research and technology and are unique to Anticimex.

IoT Pest Control with Anticimex Smart

So how does Anticimex Smart work? It is based on a three-step process which extends from site inspection through to successful and ongoing control of pests.

Step 1 is to analyse and plan meaning Anticimex inspects the customer site, studies available documentation and interviews key people. Based on what it discovers, an optimal solution for the business is created. If there’s already an infestation taking place, Anticimex takes care of it immediately.

Step 2 is to install and connect and based on the plan created in Step 1, Anticimex installs a system of strategically placed sensors that detect infestations and non-toxic traps that efficiently deal with pests. The Anticimex Smart units are connected and constantly report back to an Anticimex Smart data hub.

Step 3 is to service the deployment while the customers relax and Anticimex then conducts regular inspections, empties and relocates traps when needed, analyses data and provides customers with necessary information. Once any activity is reported Anticimex acts so that customers can focus their attention elsewhere. With the site analysis done and Anticimex Smart installed, customers rapidly start seeing the results.


We embrace new technology, enabling us to offer our customers a more efficient, accommodating and environmentally friendly service. We also strive for sustainable solutions so that our customers can be assured that what we provide is aimed to last.”
Ulf Eripe, CTO Anticimex Group


Connected traps are taking off fast, and this has certainly been a successful move for Anticimex.  The global connectivity solution provided by Telenor Connexion provides a team of dedicated IoT specialists that ensure 24-7 monitoring and support, so the company’s solutions work around the clock.

As of February 2020, approximately 150 000 traps and sensors have been deployed worldwide and are connected to mobile networks anywhere in the world. Millions of rats are caught every year worldwide. Globally traps are deployed in 18 markets worldwide each month. In terms of revenue, 9 percent is generated directly from smart services and Anticimex can move into new markets quicker and more easily. All of these figures are growing year-on-year.

The main benefits for Anticimex are that they have been able to increase service an operations efficiency, which in turn has led to an increased customer experience and end user benefit. Around the clock surveillance means Anticimex can monitor infestations constantly, react instantly and report directly. As all traps are 100% non-toxic and use biocide it is a better solution for the environment. As pests excel at hiding in places where they are hard to detect connectivity has also assisted in blind spot detection and enabling Anticimex to be proactive in the event of large-scale infestations. In fact, Anticimex can now detect problems even before the occur at the customer. IoT has revolutionized a pest control industry and created benefits for end users, businesses and the environment.

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